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Btss Kim Seokjin Quotes To Brighten Your Day


BTS's Kim Seokjin: Quotes to Brighten Your Day

A Collection of Jin's Wit and Wisdom

"I like to think of myself as a fairy."

In a playful interview, Jin compared himself to a mythical creature, highlighting his charming and light-hearted personality.

"I'm a perfect man. I'm handsome, I'm charming, and I'm talented."

With his signature confidence, Jin acknowledged his own appeal, injecting humor into the statement.

"I love to eat. I love to eat a lot. I love to eat everything."

Jin's love for food is well-known, and this quote encapsulates his passion for culinary delights.

"I'm not the type of person who likes to show off."

Despite his undeniable charisma, Jin remained humble and down-to-earth, emphasizing the importance of modesty.

